This form is provided to facilitate a Data for Research agreement between JSTOR and an institution or individual.

Please complete the fields, providing a summary of your project that specifically describes how data from JSTOR will be used in the research. The information you provide will become part of the agreement between ITHAKA and the recipient of the data; please be as complete and accurate as possible.


* *
Title* Department*
Choose one*
1. Project Description (1-2 paragraphs)*
2. Is the project subject to a grant?*
Source of the grant funding and details about the grant: *

3. Data Requested

All datasets will include metadata for each item, including data for referenced articles (if present in the original text).

Per-Document N-Grams
OCR Full Text: Depending on the journal and issue, this may be either text extracted from page scans via OCR or the full text as submitted digitally by publishers. We do not distinguish between OCR and digitally-sourced full text in DFR datasets.

4. What is the scope and nature of the Data to be provided?  

Please describe*
JSTOR Search URL, if one has been constructed

5. Please confirm the parameters of your dataset:

The dataset will be limited to specific titles (please separate titles with commas):
If your query will be limited in some other way, please describe:


6. "Key researchers" and their affiliation:*
Others, if any, who are expected to have access to the Data (for example, graduate students or undergraduates)? Will other outside third parties require access to the Data? Please list their names and email addresses.*
7. Use of the Data - check all that apply:*
Please explain:*
I agree to destroy the Data pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. [Please contact us at if you have questions about this requirement.]*


9. Results of the research using the Data will be used as follows: *
Please explain:*
10. If publication is intended, do you plan to specify the names of publications/publishers or institutions that are the source of the Data?*
11. Invention or other product, device, or process developed from the use of the Data? *
Please explain
12. Would you be willing to share progress on Project or method of research with JSTOR?*

(Upon request, you may be asked to share information with JSTOR on the results of your research, product or publication.) 

13. Licensee Notice Address:

City* State*
Postal Code* Country*